Extra holiday for the winners and fantastic measurable improvements in wellbeing after Morakniv's digital health challenge together with Challengize. Such a bold and inspirational prize rewarding their employees’ health investments with one day of extra vacation! Something for more businesses to take after.
Probably most of us have a knife from Morakniv in our homes. As one of the world’s most popular knife manufacturers with it's roots in Mora, Sweden, the company has been creating sharp knives for the rest of the world for more than 400 years. During the fall 2021 our new global customer kicked off their health challenge with the edgy name "Get Sharp with Morakniv", a challenge that has shown impressive wellness results to be proud of.
In just six weeks the keen staff at Morakniv have increased their everyday exercise with 20,5% with positive effects such as 9% decreased stress, 3,5% improved sleep and 10% increased wellbeing. Wow, you are all certified Challengizers - a person who spreads health, happiness and inspiration to others.

Walking as everyday exercise, one of the top activities by Morakniv's employees
Just getting the less active people to exercise more is a win
Measurable results, team-building, inclusion and “made in Sweden” like Morakniv were key criteria when the famous knife producer chose our digital health challenge and us as a partner.
" Our employee health is critical for our brand and sustainability, so we are very excited and proud about the great outcome from our health investment. Our objective to get as many employees as possible to join the challenge as well as bringing staff from different countries and departments together came true with the digital platform. It allowed individuals and teams to compete on equal terms with both active and the less active employees increasing their level of exercise," says Mikael Helgeson, chairman at Morakniv’s Wellness Club.
The Wellness Club at Morakniv that initiated the health challenge is now looking forward to the next challenge as it will motivate employees to sustain their level of exercise needed to feel and perform better at work.
Besides working with sales at Morakniv Mikael also serves as fireman and he compares it with serving your health.
" It’s important to make your day-to-day exercise a long-term habit. Just like a fire-fighter prepares him/herself to always be ready to jump into his uniform, you should always be ready to jump into your training clothes every day ”, Mikael Helgeson continues.
Fun facts from “Get Sharp with Morakniv”:

In distance the staff have moved 14,750 km which can be compared to have climbed Mount Everest 1,667 times and run 349 Marathons.
The teams have exercised a total of 4,087 hours which is equivalent to 1,961 viewings of Star Wars – the Empire Strikes back.
Morakniv is focusing on the future being sustainable and Challengize are convinced your health investments will help you here!
Interested to get sharp like Morakniv? Just contact us and we will follow up with you!